Scarpe in copertina: la decima edizione di These Boots Are Made for Walking é celebrativa dello stivale nero. Chi ha perso le puntate precedenti può recuperare partendo da qui.
Boots on record sleeves: These Boots Are Made For Walking's 10th edition celebrates the Black Boots. If you lost the previous installments you can catch up starting from here.
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Betty Davis
1975 - Shut Off The Lights 7" (Island)
La REGINA: più stilosa & ribelle di chiunque altra.
The QUEEN: style & rebellion like no one else.
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Jack Oblivian - 2006 - Black Boots/John Holmes Blues 7"
(Shattered Records)
Jack Yarber - alias Jack Oblivian - leggenda americana del garage-punk (Oblivians, Compulsive Gamblers, Jack O & The Tennessee Tearjerkers). "Black Boots" é l'ispiratore di questa lista, mentre il retro "John Holmes Blues" merita un posto accanto a "Cocksucker Blues" dei Rolling Stones. Copertina realizzata da ALIX BROWN (basso) ex The Lids, Angry Angles e attualmente nei Golden Triangle.
Jack Yarber - AKA Jack Oblivian - american garage-punk legend (Oblivians, Compulsive Gamblers, Jack O & the Tennessee Tearjerkers). "Black Boots" was the starting point for this list while the flip side deserves a place next to Rolling Stones' "Cocksucker Blues". Cover design by Golden Triangle's bass player ALIX BROWN formerly of The Lids and Angry Angles.
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Carly Simon 1975 - Playing Possum (Elektra) |
Il disco che ha trasformato una triste figlia dei fiori in icona sexy globale. Brani come "More And More", "Attitude Dancing" e soprattutto "Slave" meritano di essere ricordati; il resto é polveroso e passé.
La foto é del leggendario NORMAN SEEFF che ha firmato, tra gli altri, "Eat To The Beat" (Blondie), "Hotter Than Hell" (KISS), "Back At The Chai" (Sam & Dave), l'omonimo debutto dei Van Halen nonché "In The Pocket" di James Taylor, consorte di Carly Simon.
The record that transformed a boring flower-power gal into a global sexy icon. Songs such as "More And More", "Attitude Dancing" and "Slave" - especially "Slave" deserve to be remenbered; the rest is out of date sugary pop.
Cover shot by the legendary NORMAN SEEF who also signed "Eat To The Beat" (Blondie), "Hotter Than Hell" (KISS), "Back At The Chai" (Sam & Dave), self titled Van Halen debut and "In The Pocket" by Carly Simon's husband James Taylor.
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The Trashwomen 1992 - S/T 7" EP (Hillsdale Records) |
Il debutto del gruppo garage-surf di TINA LUCCHESI, futura Bobbyteens e Tina & The Total Babes. Foto di RUSSELL QUAN, batterista per Bobbyteens, Mummies, Phantom Surfers ...
TINA LUCCHESI's band 7" debut; later she went to play for Bobbyteens and Tina & The Total Babes. Photo by drummer RUSSELL QUAN (Bobbyteens, Mummies, Phantom Surfers ...).
Boss Hog – 1989 - Drinkin', Lechin', & Lyin'
(Amphetamine Reptile)
Mini album di debutto dei Boss Hog (punk-blues) nati dall'esperienza Pussy Galore (Cristina Martinez - voce - insieme al marito Jon Spencer - voce, chitarra). La foto di Cristina (più vestita del solito) é di MICHAEL LAVINE che prima di lavorare per Vogue-Esquire-People-etc. etc. documentava la scena grunge/alternative con copertine per Nirvana (quasi tutti i dischi), Soundgarden ("Louder Than Love"), Sonic Youth ("Daydream Nation", "Dirty Boots"), Mudhoney ("Superfuzz Bigmuff"), Jesus Lizard ("Shot") ...
From the ashes of Pussy Galore comes Boss Hog (Cristina Martinez - vocals - and her husband Jon Spencer - vocals/guitar). Cristina is also the cover model of this debut 12" - slightly overdressed; shot by MICHAEL LAVINE, now freelance for Vogue-Esquire-People-whatever, once cult photographer who documented the grunge/alternative movement with covers for Nirvana (almost all of them), Soundgarden ("Louder Than Love"), Sonic Youth ("Daydream Nation", "Dirty Boots"), Mudhoney ("Superfuzz Bigmuff"), Jesus Lizard ("Shot") ...
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The Cramps 1994 - Flame Job (Creation/Epitaph) |
Non il miglior disco dei Cramps, ma comunque un capitolo dignitoso di una eccellente discografia. Foto di copertina di Erick Lee Purkhiser (alias Lux Interior), voce/leader del gruppo la cui scomparsa ha segnato la fine del gruppo (4 febbraio 2009).
Not the best Cramps album but a decent effort in a otherwise excellent discography. Photograph by Erick Lee Purkhiser (AKA Lux Interior), singer/leader of the Cramps whose death signed the end of the band (February, 4 2009).
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Candyman 1990 - Knockin' Boots 12" (Epic) |
D I S C O S U X !
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Sex Pistols 1979 - Flogging A Dead Horse (Virgin) |
Uno dei tanti dischi inutili dei Pistols; almeno il titolo é autoironico.
One of the many useless Sex Pistols albums even though we appreciate the title's self-mockery.
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Sex Pistols - 1987 - Black Leather / Here We Go Again 7"
[Part of a 6x7"s box set - Virgin]
Idem come sopra.