They say:
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Betty Davis Dedicated To the Press 7" [1975, ISLAND] |
They say:
MILES DAVIS: Se Betty fosse in giro oggi sarebbe qualcosa di simile a Madonna, oppure alla versione femminile di Prince.HERBIE HANCOCK: Ha fatto conoscere a Miles la musica di Hendrix e gli ha fatto apprezzare la roba rock seria.ICE CUBE: Betty era veramente una Gangsta.RICK JAMES: Mi sono innamorato quando ho visto la copertina del disco.
MILES DAVIS: If Betty were singing today she would be something like Madonna, something like Prince only as a woman.HERBIE HANCOCK: She introduced Miles to Hendrix’s music and got him interested in the hardcore rock stuff.
ICE CUBE: Betty was a G for real.
RICK JAMES: When I first saw her album cover, I fell in love.
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Betty Davis - 1973 - Betty Davis [JUST SUNSHINE] |
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Betty Davis - 1974 - They Say I'm Different [JUST SUNSHINE] |
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Betty Davis - 1975 - Nasty Gal [ISLAND] |
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Miles Davis - Filles De Kilimanjaro [1968, COLUMBIA] |
Diva | icona | ex modella | amica di (Hendrix, Sly Stone) | musa-prima/moglie-poi di Miles Davis (12 mesi 12)| ma soprattutto, cantante e compositrice.
Diva | icon | ex fashion model | friend of (Hendrix, Sly Stone) | Miles Davis' muse-first/wife-then (12 months) | above all, singer & songwriter.
Nei primi due album Betty Davis é stata fotografata da MEL DIXON, ex collaboratore di Richard Avedon e successivamente freelance di successo con base a New York.
In "Nasty Gal" si é affidata ad ANTONIO LOPEZ, fantastico illustratore/fotografo di origini portoricane (Vogue UK, Interview). Com'é nata la copertina lo potete leggere qui.
La copertina di "Filles De Kilimanjaro" é opera di HIRO [Yasuhiro Wakabayashi], all'epoca collaboratore di Harper's Bazaar, anch'egli allievo di Avedon.
The first two album covers were shot by MEL DIXON, former Richard Avedon's associate and later successful freelance based in NY. Nasty Gal's picture was taken by the late great ANTONIO LOPEZ, Puerto Rican fashion illustrator/photographer (Vogue UK, Interview); how the cover was made is here.
"Filles De Kilimanjaro" is by HIRO [Yasuhiro Wakabayashi], then assistant at Harper's Bazaar, he too Avedon's associate.
La frase di Miles Davis é fuorviante: va intesa per il carisma dei personaggi citati non per la loro musica di plastica. Qui trovate hard funk/soul con le fiamme di Hendrix e una voce che amplifica l'effetto. Se conoscete i Bellrays, comprenderete da chi ha imparato Lisa Kekaula. L'etichetta Light In The Heart di Seattle ha ristampato tutto il catalogo, compreso materiale rimasto inedito dalla fine dei '70. Roba preziosa, ma i primi tre album sono inarrivabili.
The Miles Davis quote is misleading: it refers to the entertainers' charisma rather than their plastic music. Here we're talking about Hendrix fueled hard-funk and a voice that double the punch. If you know the Bellrays you'll understand where Lisa Kekaula got her inspiration. The Seattle label Light In The Heart rereleased the whole catalog including unreleased top-notch materials from the Seventies. Great stuff, but the first three albums are unsurpassable.
Betty Davis Keeps I.Miller Alive
Betty Davis Keeps I.Miller Alive