1966 | VACCARI
History Of The
1966 | VACCARI
1968 | ERCO | by Ermenegildo Comelli |
1968 | ERCO | by Ermenegildo Comelli |
1968 | ERCO | by Ermenegildo Comelli |
Source: Calzature Italiane di Lusso | #15/1968
1968 | ERCO | by Ermenegildo Comelli |
Source: Calzature Italiane di Lusso | #15/1968
1968 | ERCO | by Ermenegildo Comelli |
Source: Calzature Italiane di Lusso | #15/1968
1968 | ERCO | by Ermenegildo Comelli |
Source: Calzature Italiane di Lusso | #15/1968
1928 | Annuaire Du Luxe A Paris Edited by Paul Poiret | Printed by Devambez On sale at Braiterman Books [$ 5,000] |
“L’ultimo libro che ho pubblicato era una raccolta di pubblicità che ebbe ampio successo: l’Annuario Pan; si rivolgeva a tutte le industrie e i commerci di lusso, era stato creato con gioia, come tutte le cose buone e aveva offerto il pretesto alla riunione settimanale di tutti i migliori artisti disegnatori dell’epoca, che pranzavano da me il mercoledì. Allora, si affidava a ciascuno un problema pubblicitario; si trattava di vantare in modo imprevisto e definitivo i semi scelti di Clause, i completi del sarto O’Rossen e i preziosi reperti dell’antiquario Bensimon.
Martin, Dignimond, Touchagues, Lucien, Boucher, Oberlé, Pierre Fau, Eddy Legrand, Piaubert, Georgets Delaw, Camille Bellaigue, Van Moppés e il pittore animalista Delhuermoz erano i miei fedeli ospiti. Alcuni fra loro, che non erano ancora conosciuti, trovarono la loro strada in quest’occasione. L’album Pan fu diffuso non solo fra la clientela cui mirava, ma tutti gli amanti dell’arte e i bibliofili ne volevano una copia. Un giorno sarà riesumato e diventerà la formula per una nuova rivista”.
[Paul Poiret, En habillant l'Epoque, 1930. Trad. Irma Vivaldi]
1928 | Paul Poiret with Pan, Annuaire Du Luxe A Paris
Source: Diktats
1928 | Le Modèles De Perugia
From: Annuaire Du Luxe A Paris
Source: Hprints
"The last book I published was an advertising album that attracted great attention: the Annual Pan.It addressed itself to every luxury trade and industry; it had been created in joy, like all good things, and it had been the occasion for a weekly reunion of all the best designers of the period, who lunched with me on Wednesdays. To each was entrusted a particular problem of publicity : for instance, he had to laud in some unforeseen, telling way the unique beads of Clause, the suits of the tailor O'Rossen, or the precious finds of the antiquary Bensimon.
Martin, Dignimont, Touchagues, Lucien Boucher, Oberle, Camille Bellaigue, Pierre Fau, Eddy Legrand, Piaubert, Georges Delaw, and Van Moppes, and the animal designer, Delhuermoz, were my faithful habitues. Some of them, who were not yet known, found their opportunity in this work. The album Pan circulated not only amongst the clientele it aimed at, but all the amateurs of art and bibliophiles demanded a copy. One day it will be exhumed, and will become the model for a new magazine."
[Paul Poiret - My First Fifty Years - V. Gollancz, 1931]
1928 | Paul Poiret with Pan | Detail
Source: Diktats
1928 | Luxury ads from PAN Source: I Desire Vintage Posters |
1928 | JEAN COCTEAU Le Boeuf Sur Le Toit/Le Grand Ecart Source: I Desire Vintage Posters |
1973 | SISA | Man-made materials Unknown producers |
1973 | SISA | Man-made materials Unknown producers |
1973 | SISA presents KAPI Man-made material |
1973 | SISA [Gorla Minore, Varese] Showcase his products 1) Polilac Antik; 2,3) Florida Man-made materials |
1973 | Pupi D'Angeri [Parabiago, Milan] Platform made with SISA's Polilac Antik © Museo Carla Musazzi [Parabiago, Milan] Photo: Irma Vivaldi |
1953 | André Perugia Pump with corkscrew heel Source: Il Costume E La Moda |
Alcune fonti attribuiscono la data di nascita di questa scarpa di André Perugia al 1952, ma qui per (nostra) convenienza celebriamo il 60° anniversario della presentazione per il mercato americano avvenuta a metà novembre del 1953 per Saks Fifth Avenue.
SPRING IN YOUR STEP (all'incirca "una molla per la tua camminata") era il titolo ricorrente (claim, in italiano) e l'accento veniva posto sia sull'innovativa forma del tacco che sull'utilizzo di acciaio nichelato (color oro), quindi resistente alla corrosione. La scarpa apparteneva ad una collezione caratterizzata dal supporto plantare metallico di cui il "sandalo cubista" é forse il modello più conosciuto.
Some sources date this André Perugia shoe from 1952, here however we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the American showcase at Saks Fith Avenue (mid November 1953).
The claim was SPRING IN YOUR STEP and the emphasis both on the heel design and the material used for it (gilded nickel stainless steel). The pump was part of a metal-shanked collection of which the "cubist sandal" is the most celebrated model.
1953 | André Perugia Musée International de La Chaussure De Romans, France Source: Doucement Le Matin |
1936 | Model Mary Palermo shod in Perugias
ACME Press Photo
Courtesy Shoe Icons
Mary Palermo, a Chicago model, is shown above at style review at which evening slippers made of metal that are fashioned to remove the wearers weight from the arch to the heel and ball of the feet, designed by André Perugia of Paris, were exhibited.
A modernistic sandal with rocking-chair heel and a Chinese mule with corkscrew heel are shown left to right on floor, while Miss Palermo wears a gilt metal slipper with split heel and clamp, on her left foot, and another model with split metal heel on her right foot.
CHI_NY Your Credit Must read ACME 3-10-36
1936 | The corkscrew heel (bottom right and - reflected - top left)
All Perugia models
Courtesy: Shoe Icons
1942 | Made In France Unknown manufacturer/designer Source: Kobieta Onet |
1977 | Made In Brazil From: Fashion History Museum collection Source: FB |
1980 | Made In Italy | Armando Pollini | La Molleggiata (Spring loaded) Source: Scarperentola |
2010 | Diana Shampang Voorhies Source: Flickriver |
1968 | DON ADAMS (1923-2005) as Maxwell Smart Source: Wikipedia |
2002 | The shoe-phone as seen in "Spies: secret from the C.I.A., KGB and Hollywood" At the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Source: Wild Wild West |
Schematics of the shoe-phone From: The Life And Times Of Maxwell Smart | St. Martins Press, 1988 Source: Greg's Get Smart Page |
Don Adams Source: The Whole Pop Catalog | Plexus, 1992 |
Padova Shoes | Designed by André Perugia
Source: MET
Padova/Perugia Original MET data sheet now amended |
Label: "Modele Depose/21161/45630/Made in France"
Source: MET
Label: "Modele Depose/21161/45629/Made in France"
Source: MET
André Perugia Original MET Data sheets now amended |
1926 | André Perugia | The Model "Rosary" Highlighted
Source: L'Art Vivant" magazine | 1926, June
Next to the Rosary, on the left the Orphic model |
1927 | André Perugia's "Rosary" as seen in Vogue, January 1927
Source: Vogue
Original caption:
This azure/beige kid sandal is decorated with twisted narrow bands of gold and silver kid with a boucle of diamonds and gold.
Vogue France | January 1, 1927
André Perugia Original MET Data sheet still not amended |