In occasione della settimana della moda milanese, vogliamo ricordare Eva Sabbatini, una delle figure più innovative nell’ambito della moda italiana, oggi dimenticata.
With the Milan Fashion Week in full swing, we'd like to dedicate a moment to Eva Sabbatini, one of the most innovative figures in Italian fashion, now forgotten.
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1966 | Milano at La Scala
Minikirts and shorts entered La Scala of Milan, the "temple" of music
[Source: "La Stampa" daily]
Passata alla cronaca per lo scalpore provocato per aver fatto indossare minigonna e shorts di sua creazione alla prima della Scala nel 1966, redattrice-capo della rivista “Stilista” nella seconda metà degli anni ’60, per noi Eva Sabbatini è stata soprattutto un’indefessa sperimentatrice di nuovi tessuti e materiali e promotrice della collaborazione attiva e della ricerca coordinata fra tutti i settori della moda italiana, quello tessile, la confezione ed il mondo degli accessori, soprattutto calzature.
Her creations of miniskirts and shorts worn for the opening night at Milan's La Scala back in 1966 caused a sensation. She was editor-in-chief of the magazine "Stilista" in the second half of the '60s, but Eva Sabbatini was mainly an experimenter of new fabrics and materials, promoting collaborations and coordinating researches among all the sectors of the Italian fashion: textiles, garment industry and accessories with a focus on shoes.
Her creations of miniskirts and shorts worn for the opening night at Milan's La Scala back in 1966 caused a sensation. She was editor-in-chief of the magazine "Stilista" in the second half of the '60s, but Eva Sabbatini was mainly an experimenter of new fabrics and materials, promoting collaborations and coordinating researches among all the sectors of the Italian fashion: textiles, garment industry and accessories with a focus on shoes.
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Eva Sabbatini 1967 | The Soprabile |
Dalla collaborazione con l’industria tessile, in particolare la Olmetex di Orsenigo, Eva Sabbatini sviluppò il “soprabile” nel 1967, un soprabito d’alta moda e soprattutto da sera, che fungeva allo stesso tempo anche da impermeabile, per abbinare l’eleganza del primo all’utilità del secondo in caso di pioggia.
From the collaboration with the textile industry, in particular the Olmetex of Orsenigo, Eva Sabbatini developed the "soprabile" in 1967. It was a high fashion coat, especially designed for evening dresses, which served at the same time as raincoat, to match elegance and the utility in case of rain.
From the collaboration with the textile industry, in particular the Olmetex of Orsenigo, Eva Sabbatini developed the "soprabile" in 1967. It was a high fashion coat, especially designed for evening dresses, which served at the same time as raincoat, to match elegance and the utility in case of rain.
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1971 | Eva Sabbatini for Redona [Pirelli]
Made with the "Dova" fabric | Shoes by Salvatore Deodato |
(Photo by Pierluigi Omodeo Salé)
Nel 1971, come racconta il sito della Fondazione Pirelli
”in collaborazione con la stilista Eva Sabbatini, viene lanciato un nuovo tessuto, “Dova”: un lino impermeabilizzato resistente alle lacerazioni ma molto morbido, con cui la stilista realizza una serie di modelli (per il motoscafo, lo yacht, lo sci nautico) dalle linee futuristiche, comodi da indossare per fare sport, raffinati da vedere”.
Eva Sabbatini fu premiata nel 1968 come designer con l’Oscar della Moda a Saint-Vincent da parte del Centro Internazionale della Moda e del Costume di Firenze.
In 1971, as told by the Pirelli Foundation site:
"in co-operation with the fashion designer, Eva Sabbatini, a new fabric was launched – “Dova”, a waterproofed linen that combined tear resistance with great softness and was used by Sabbatini in a series of models (for powerboats, yachts, water skiing) notable for their futuristic styling, ease of wear for sports activities, and refinement."
Designer Eva Sabbatini was awarded with the Fashion Oscar in 1968 in Saint-Vincent by the Centre of International Fashion and Costume in Florence.
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1971 | Eva Sabbatini for Confezione River | (Photo by Gianni Della Valle) |