1965 | Port Lligat (Girona, Spain)
Danish model Lotte Tarp (1945-2002) and Salvador Dalì

Gli occhiali bianchi, l'aragosta e il mezzo baffo di Dalì: perfetto complemento a questo Style Into Rebellion. Sarebbe bastato, ma c'é un anniversario da ricordare.

The white goggles, the lobster & Dalì's half moustache: the perfect companion piece of this Style Into Rebellion installment. We could have stopped here, but then again, there's an anniversary to remember.

1965 | Port Lligat (Girona, Spain)
Lotte Tarp (1945-2002) and Salvador Dalì
Photograph: Werner Bokelberg

1965 | Paris | Dalì couture
With models Sarah Meacham and Gabriella
Photo by Reg Lancaster | Source: Dalì Fans

1965 | Cadaqués, Spain
Federika, the Queen of Venusians | From Paris Match
Same location as Bunuel's "L'Age d'Or"
Photo by Tony Saunier | Source: Dalì Planet

1965 | New York
Courrèges' goggles

Courrèges shades at the MET Museum | New York
Made in France/Déposé/Patent PV 52 62

1965 | For Sale At $ 5 Apiece at Saks Fifth Avenue | New York

2011 | For Sale Now At $ 1,000 Apiece
Courtesy Solakzade

1969 | Outer-space avant-garde jazz legend Sun Ra 
Portrait by Baron Wolman
Also on the cover of Rolling Stone # 31, 1969

Angry Angles - 2006 - Apparent-Transparent 7"
(Plastic Idol Records)

Duo art-punk composto da Jay Reatard (RIP) e Alix Brown. Questo é il terzo, e ultimo, singolo.

Short-lived duo with Jay Reatard (RIP) and Alix Brown. Great & damaged art-punk. This the third, and last, single.

Courrèges | Spring-Summer 1965 | Photo by Peter Knapp
Source: Labour Of Heart

É la foto più famosa: scattata dall'ex direttore artistico di Elle, PETER KNAPP, per la collezione Courrèges Primavera-Estate 1965. É stata utilizzata per il manifesto della mostra "Les Sixties. Mode D'Emploi" [2002] svoltasi al Musée De La Mode Et Du Textile di Parigi. Un'altro scatto di Knupp é diventato manifesto per la recente esposizione "The Future That Never Was" [Gennaio-Giungo 2011] al Mode Museum di Hasselt [Belgio].

One of the most iconic picture ever: it was taken by former Elle magazine artistic director, PETER KNAPP, for Courrèges SS 1965. 37 years later the photo graced the poster of the exposition "Les Sixties. Mode D'Emploi" [Paris' Musée De La Mode Et Du Textile - 2002]. Another Knapp shot was used for the "The Future That Never Was" at the Mode Museum Hasselt [Belgium | January-June 2011].

2002 | Paris

2002 | Hasselt

1965 | Italy
Who the hell is Courrèges?
André Courrèges: "A 28 anni (1951) lasciai un impiego di prestigio per andare a lavorare da Balenciaga occupandomi di tessuti. Durante i primi cinque anni ho imparato qualcosa ogni giorno; i successivi cinque uno spreco di tempo. Dopo Balenciaga mi sono dato cinque anni per raggiungere i miei obiettivi. Ce l'ho fatta in due e posso dire che il successo prematuro é difficile da gestire." 
André Courrèges: "At 28 (1951) I left a flourishing job to work for Balenciaga, handling fabrics. The first five years I learned something new every day. The last five were a waste. When I left I gave myself five years to reach a certain point. Now I have reached it in two and I find that premature success is cumbersome."
LIFE magazine

May, 21 | 1965

André Courrèges (1923 - 2016) aprì la "Maison De Courrèges" nel 1961. Oggi il marchio festeggia il 50° anniversario.

André Courrèges (1923 - 2016) opened his "Maison De Courrèges" in Paris (1961). Today they celebrate the 50th anniversary.

