Until the contrary is proved, this striking "fish line" from Albanese is probably the first Fish Shoe copy since the original one (1955, André Perugia).
1958 | Albanese Of Rome by Enzo Albanese
Source: The Leader-Herald, NY (Sept. 12, 1958)
1958 | Enzo Albanese for the fashion house Zincone
Exibited in Rome (Hotel Excelsior, 07-17-1958)
Source: Archivio LUCE
1958 | Enzo Albanese for the fashion house Zincone
Exibited in Rome (Hotel Excelsior, 07-17-1958)
Source: Archivio LUCE
1958 | Albanese (Rome)
Italian shoes as seen in the American press
Source: CNP (Comitato Nazionale per la produttività)
A different version of the fish-shoe was showcased at the exhibition Roman Inspirations (Artisanal Intelligence/AltaRoma, August 2014) and it sports a heel that predates Roger Vivier's globe heel (1966). Or is it a replica?? Oh well, the more we learn, the less we know.
Albanese of Rome
The fish shoe with the globe heel
At A.I. (Artisanal Intelligence)/AltaRoma | Rome August, 2014
Enzo Albanese was known for elegant women's shoes and inventive heel designs (more to come).
The Original Fish Shoe
& The Beginning Of The Saga
2013/2014 | Fish Shoe Designs
The Saga Continues
the fish shoes from that lovely wild bunch known as The Croods (DreamWorks, 2013)
2013 | The fish shoes from The Croods
2013 | The fish shoes from The Croods