Lester Bangs, Stevie Nicks e Lady Gaga nella stessa frase? E Alexander McQueen cosa c'entra? Un attimo di pazienza. Intanto Lester Bangs ci parla di finto rock, scarpe e Cattivo Gusto.
Lester Bangs, Stevie Nicks and Lady Gaga in the same breath? And what about Alexander McQueen? Hold on a sec. Meanwhile: Lester Bangs talks about plastic rock, shoes & Bad Taste.
Lester Bangs, Stevie Nicks and Lady Gaga in the same breath? And what about Alexander McQueen? Hold on a sec. Meanwhile: Lester Bangs talks about plastic rock, shoes & Bad Taste.
1981 - Stevie Nicks - Bella Donna
(Modern Records)
Lester Bangs [1] dalle pagine del Village Voice distrugge con buona ragione l'esordio di Stevie Nicks [Fleetwood Mac] e lo fa ironizzando (anche) sull'immagine da strega della foto di copertina.
Qualcuno potrebbe già scoraggiarsi per il fatto che viene indicato un parrucchiere diverso per ogni pettinatura - copertina, retro e foto interne - anche se é evidentemente sempre la stessa [fatti ridare i soldi Stevie]. Infine: quelle sono le scarpe più inguardabili dai tempi gloriosi di Quay Lewd dei Tubes. Ma quale strega si metterebbe i tacchi alti?
Comunque i dischi si comprano per le canzoni - non per le scarpe - e anche qui siamo messi male.
From the Village Voice, Lester Bangs [1] slashed with good reasons the debut album by Stevie Nicks [Fleetwood Mac]. Also the witch-like image of the cover got a few words.
But people don't buy records for shoes, they buy them for songs, and now we're back in bunch of shit territory again.Some listeners may be more unnerved by the fact that the front cover credits a different hairstylist than the back and the inner sleeve and it damn sure looks like the same haircut (demand your money back). Finally, those are the dumbest shoes since the halcyon days of Quay Lewd and the Tubes. What kind of witch wears stacked heels?
1981 - Stevie Nicks - Bella Donna
Per quanto si vede - le scarpe non sono nemmeno così ripugnanti, non come la musica almeno. Ma Quay Lewd alias Fee Waybill, leader dei rivoltosi Tubes, cosa indossava?
As far as I can see, the shoes are not that bad, not like the music that is. But, what about Quay Lewd - A.K.A. Fee Waybill, lead singer for the Tubes? What kind of shoes he wore?
As far as I can see, the shoes are not that bad, not like the music that is. But, what about Quay Lewd - A.K.A. Fee Waybill, lead singer for the Tubes? What kind of shoes he wore?
Oops: già viste? Ancora convinti che le claw shoes le abbia disegnate Alexander McQueen??
Oops: still convinced it's an Alexander McQueen's idea?
[Village Voice, November 1981 - Reprinted on Mainlines, Blood Feasts And Bad Taste - 2003 Anchor Books]