Dopo aver visto il primo post su Lester Bangs, Fee Waybill ha voluto precisare che:
Right after the first Lester Bangs post, Fee Waybill sent us a message:
Le mie scarpe non si possono definire veramente "claw shoes". In realtà sono state disegnate come delle ballerine in stile bondage, anzi copiate da una rivista bondage, ma rese più alte ed estreme. Le abbiamo costruite noi sulle mie zeppe da 18" [quasi 46 cm NdR] con punta in fiberglass e tacco in legno. Le metto ancora ai concerti. Attualmente sono color argento e sono state riparate parecchie volte: nonostante tutto pare resistano.
Right after the first Lester Bangs post, Fee Waybill sent us a message:
They're not really claw shoes, they're actually designed after a ballet toe shoe in an extreme bondage style. We copied the design in a bondage magazine and made them more extreme and much taller. They were made by us. The toe is fiberglass and the heel, wood, build on a pair of 18" silver platform boots of mine. I still wear them in The Tubes show.
They're silver now, and have been repaired a number of times, over the years, but they are still holding up.
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1977 | Fee Waybill / The Tubes
2010 | Alexander McQueen
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Fee Waybill, A.K.A. Quay Lude, born John Waldo Waybill is the singer/songwriter of The Tubes.
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