Nel tentativo di catturare lo spirito del tempo - o più probabilmente per sfruttarne il successo - Salvatore Deodato e il Calzaturificio Titano crearono una linea di scarpe chiamata appunto WIGHT.
"Wight Is White" is the only hit song of French singer-songwriter Michel Delpech, also a tribute to the famous "Isle Of Wight Festival". The final edition of the music festival took place in 1970 and it was one of the largest gatherings of young people of the era, even bigger than Woodstock.
In order to capture the zeitgeist (or maybe just to cash-in), Salvatore Deodato and the shoe maker Titano created a shoe collection for the youngsters called WIGHT back in 1971.
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1971 | The Wight Series Zaffaroni Collection | Courtesy Leffot). |
Questa calzatura, appartenente alla Collezione Zaffaroni, fu esposta nel 2009 al MoMa di New York in una mostra dedicata alla storia delle "zeppe" organizzata dall'ANCI (Associazione Nazionale Calzaturifici Italiani). Ora si trova al Museo Della Calzatura di Vigevano.
This shoe - now at the Footwear Museum of Vigevano - belongs to the Zaffaroni Collection and it was displayed at the MoMA in New York at the exhibition: “INNER TREASURES – The secret story of the fashionable platform in Italy” (2009).
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1971 | The Wight Series (Zaffaroni Collection) |
La collezione Wight fu sviluppata in un numero imprecisato di varianti. Un'unica forma per la suola, nelle varianti in legno e sughero, naturale o verniciata, con decorazioni incise o applicate. Maggiore fantasia per la tomaia, in pelle scamosciata, liscia o con applicazioni floreali, oppure in Novo calf o ancora in pony zebrato, con tallone aperto o chiuso (a volte l'apertura è anche sul lato del piede) e chiusure a cerniera oppure a stringhe anteriori o dietro la caviglia. In alcuni casi la saldatura fra suola e tomaia è un giro di borchie. E tutte le varianti si mescolano fra loro sfruttando le possibili combinazioni.
The Wight collection was developed in an unknown number of versions. Just one shape for the sole, wooden or cork made, natural or painted, decorated with trimmings or woodcuts.
With the upper the imagination runs free: suede, plain or with floral appliqués, Novo calf or striped pony, with open or closed heel (sometimes the side is open too) and with lateral zip or laces in front or behind the ankle. In some cases between sole and upper there is a circle of studs. And all the versions are mixed together using the possible combinations.
The Wight collection was developed in an unknown number of versions. Just one shape for the sole, wooden or cork made, natural or painted, decorated with trimmings or woodcuts.
With the upper the imagination runs free: suede, plain or with floral appliqués, Novo calf or striped pony, with open or closed heel (sometimes the side is open too) and with lateral zip or laces in front or behind the ankle. In some cases between sole and upper there is a circle of studs. And all the versions are mixed together using the possible combinations.
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1971 | The Wight Series
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1971 | The Wight Series
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1971 | The Wight Series
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1971 | The Wight Series
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1971 | The Wight Series
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1971 | The WIGHT SERIES for sale |
Photo Pierluigi Omodeo Salè
Per datare esattamente la serie Wight, ci viene in aiuto questa foto. Fu scattata in occasione della Fiera della calzatura di Bologna del 1971. Nella foto la serie WIGHT viene mostrata a Giovanni e Giuseppina Mortarotti, proprietari dello storico negozio milanese, la Calzoleria Mortarotti, allora in via Montenapoleone. Tra loro il Sig. Ravizzoni, rappresentante del Calzaturificio Titano. In alto a sinistra, seminascosto, Salvatore Deodato.
Tra l'altro, per quella Fiera Adriano Sciuccati si era inventato uno stand molto particolare e all'altezza della creatività delle sue calzature. Anche di questo diremo presto.
The above photo helps to date the Wight series: it was taken at the Bologna Footwear Fair in 1971 by Pierluigi Omodeo Salè. Salvatore Deodato (semi hidden, top left) explains the Wight series to Giovanni and Giuseppina Mortarotti, owners of the Milan's historical shop "Calzoleria Mortarotti". Between them Mr. Ravizzoni, Titano's sales representive.
Tra l'altro, per quella Fiera Adriano Sciuccati si era inventato uno stand molto particolare e all'altezza della creatività delle sue calzature. Anche di questo diremo presto.
The above photo helps to date the Wight series: it was taken at the Bologna Footwear Fair in 1971 by Pierluigi Omodeo Salè. Salvatore Deodato (semi hidden, top left) explains the Wight series to Giovanni and Giuseppina Mortarotti, owners of the Milan's historical shop "Calzoleria Mortarotti". Between them Mr. Ravizzoni, Titano's sales representive.
For that Fair, Adriano Sciuccati had designed a special stand that matched the creativity of his shoes. We’ll talk about that pretty soon.
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Giorgio Rancilio's RANCIR Foto Shoe # 1 | January 1971 | |
The "Wight" style was certainly in the air, at least along the SS33: the shoe factory Rancir by Giorgio Rancilio was working on similar shapes, as shown by this Foto Shoe cover (January 1971).
Photos 2÷7 by Matteo Zaffaroni.