Gorgeous ...
RED | 2010 |
... innocent, and yet ready to ...
RED | 2010 |
S T R I K E ...
RED | 2010 |
... and split.
RED | 2010 |
Tempo fa ho ricevuto in dono da Giorgio Armani questa bellissima borsetta. Per me era molto preziosa e non la usavo mai. Poi é accaduto che la borsa diventasse importante per questa scena. L'ho mostrata a Susan, la costumista: "Cosa ne pensi? Secondo me é perfetta con questo abito". Le é piaciuta moltissimo e quindi la borsa é diventata un'arma; oggetti vari entrano ed escono. La mia bellissima borsetta é la star del film.
I was giving this beautiful purse by Giorgio Armani as a gift a while ago. It was my priced possession and I never use it. And then the purse in that scene is quite an important piece of equipment. And I showed it to Susan, the costume designer. "What about using this? I think it's great with the dress". And she loved it. We both loved it. Now this purse becomes a weapon; things get hidden into it, things get transferred into it. So now, my beautiful purse is the star of the movie.
[Helen Mirren | 2010 interview from RED | DVD bonus material]
Metal detector at the entrance of the dinner-party RED | 2010 | |
Dancing with the great Brian Cox RED | 2010 | |
With right hand John Malkovich RED | 2010 | |
In between takes with Malkovich RED | 2010 | |