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1956 | REMEMBER: genuine leather is good for you
Source: 3rd Parabiago Footwear Fair catalog
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1961 | Vero Cuoio
Doctors and orthopedists alike suggest Vero Cuoio
Source: Calzature Italiane di Lusso magazine
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1964 | Cuir AKA Cuoio AKA Genuine Leather
Made in France
Era il 1971 e la battaglia era vivace fra le opposte fazioni dei sostenitori dei materiali naturali contro i materiali sintetici nelle calzature. La stampa specializzata rappresentava le diverse posizioni in campo. "Il Nuovo Corriere della Calzatura" faceva informazione sui nuovi materiali e sulle nuove tecnologie produttive. "La Conceria" rispondeva, derubricando i nuovi materiali a "surrogati" o "sostituti" del cuoio e accusando l’altro giornale di essere promotore di una fantomatica "centrale del sintetico".
1971: it was a lively battle between supporters of natural materials versus synthetic materials. The press tried to represent or sustain the various positions. "Il Nuovo Corriere della Calzatura" embraced the technology and spread the news about the new man-made medium while "La Conceria" (The Tannery) magazine downgraded the items as "surrogates" or "substitutes" of leather also accusing the other newspaper to act just like a "press-office for synthetic leather producers”.
1971: it was a lively battle between supporters of natural materials versus synthetic materials. The press tried to represent or sustain the various positions. "Il Nuovo Corriere della Calzatura" embraced the technology and spread the news about the new man-made medium while "La Conceria" (The Tannery) magazine downgraded the items as "surrogates" or "substitutes" of leather also accusing the other newspaper to act just like a "press-office for synthetic leather producers”.
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1971 | Vero Cuoio
The very first AD
Il “Centro Sviluppo e Propaganda Cuoio” decise di concretizzare la propria battaglia in un atto e per distinguere le scarpe fabbricate con materie prime naturali brevettò un marchio da apporre sulla suola delle scarpe. Nacque così il logo “VERO CUOIO” e fu lanciato un appello al settore calzaturiero per adottarlo.
Risposero 148 aziende a livello nazionale. Tra queste, i calzaturifici Borri, Titano, Alfiere, Davos Bottier, Rancir, Vibel Sport, Turconi Olimpic. Due anni dopo il marchio fu adottato anche dall'International Council of Tanners.
The "Centro Sviluppo e Propaganda Cuoio" [Leather Development and Promotion Center] decided to give it a spin so, to distinguish the "natural" shoes, they patented a mark for the shoe soles and the "VERO CUOIO" (GENUINE LEATHER) logo was born. The Center then appealed to the footwear industry to adopt it.
148 companies answered the call throughout Italy: among them, the shoe factories Borri, Titano, Alfiere, Davos Bottier, Rancir, Vibel Sport, Turconi Olimpic. Two years later the logo was also adopted by the I.C.T. [International Council of Tanners].
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1976 | Guaranteed VERO CUOIO |
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1976 | Guaranteed VERO CUOIO |
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1977 | Guaranteed VERO CUOIO |
2010 | Manolo Blahnik soles
Photograph: Gianluca Colombo